Digital Trends

Digital Trends in Education

This video prezi is a part of our Digital Soft Skill Development E-course which is searching for answers to the following questions:

1 What do we mean by Digital Shift?

2 What are the impacts of Covid on education?

3. What is the significance of Soft Skills in digital instruction?

4. How to interpret the “Maslow before Bloom” approach in the context of Covid-impacted education?

5. What kind of solutions are offered by our TRENDSS project?

This video is part of our Digital Trends module that you can find in our Roadmap e-learning course.


Hello! In this module, I’d like to talk to you about the digital trends that we experience during the Covid-impacted and post-Covid era.
Today we are all survivors: we have survived the digital shift, the shock, the stress, and many different types of challenges.
What we have learned from this experience? During these turbulent times, we had to innovate and we gained lots of experience and lots of experimentation in a short intensive period. Now, how could we leverage all that?

Although, in the instant change to digital instructions we all might have been busy with learning new hard skills from Friday to Monday, now, as we can settle down a bit, let’s focus and the soft skills which haven’t been recognized enough based on their real significance. During our e-learning modules, we are going to focus on interpersonal skills such as active listening, giving and receiving feedback and social learning. 

Furthermore, we must also talk about the intrapersonal skills such as growth mindset, self-directed learning and critical thinking.

“Maslow before Bloom”
I’s a well-known phrase in pedagogy. It is even more relevant today in the pandemic and post-pandemic context: students are motivated to achieve learning goals when their basic needs such as hunger and safety are met. Moreover, the psychological needs (as belongingness and self-esteem) and the self-fulfillment needs (as self-actualization) are also needed to bloom into a motivated and self-directed learner. During the pandemic, the digital divide has become more visible and oftentimes even more exaggerated due to Internet connectivity issues based on social-economic differences.

When learners don’t feel safe in their communities or households they are in a permanent state of alert, which won’t go away unless the problem is solved.
Similarly, when they have self-esteem issues teachers see behavioral patterns such as poor focus and disengagement.

Teachers will be able to work with learners that are entirely able to participate in class, that’s when Bloom’s taxonomy is best put to use and the steps of learning can be facilitated.
During these turbulent times, educators have to put more attention both to the students’ and their own physical and mental health. In our e-learning module, you can learn more about these models.

The intellectual outputs of TRENDSS project are meant to provide a toolkit and a methodology of social and emotional strategies and soft skills that can enable educators to self-reflect, stay motivated and motivate learners and help them reconnect and improve their own soft skills.
Therefore, as part of our  Innovation Project, we offer an e-learning course, an e-book of methodological guidelines for online courses, a toolkit for engaging online activities, a collection of recommendations on popular software for educational purposes, a digital platform with blogs, articles, output results, and useful links. Finally, video tutorials created by a real influencer-educator on how to create engaging video lessons.
All the listed outputs can be accessed free of charge on our website: where you can also join our community of digital educators.
We hope to see you there.

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