TRENDSS digital platform

TRENDSS Digital Platform (this present website will also serve as the main repository of information, resources, contents, and other material produced during the project. However, it is more than the sum of its parts since it is a living and growing platform with all the new results and development of the TRENDSS project. Also, this is the platform to communicate to our new participants and target groups. We discussed and continuously improve the structure of the platform with the partners. All partners and all the PM members are featured on the website and the partner organizations are introduced separately. The website offers extensive and structured content specifically written for the website visitors such as the description of our mission, stories, objectives, and introducing the outputs. We have regular blog posts which disseminate our output results and also the collaboration and humane aspect of our project. The target group can subscribe to our newsletter, join our social media platforms, complete questionnaires, access the Roadmap e-learning course (O1) and contact our project team. The website offers multilingual options.

Main functions of our Digital Platform:

  1. it accommodates all our results in a structured way (categories based on outputs and
    project team topics);
  2. it offers visitors features for surveys, questionnaires, tests;
  3. it will also serve as a blog where partners can share their news and updates;
  4. subscription for newsletters;
  5. GDPR compliance;
  6. responsive, mobile-friendly (AMP) appearance;
  7. statistics, tracking number and origin of visitors;
  8. security features;
  9. Search Engine Optimization for keywords for dissemination purposes;
  10. engaging visual effects;
  11. logo design and forms for the project;
  12. optimized and structured video gallery;
  13. easy social media share and facebook feed;
  14. multilingual website;
  15. search function.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

TRENDSS Consortium is committed to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance across our website and our free online intellectual outputs.

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