Digital Education

Digital Trends

Digital Trends in Education This video prezi is a part of our Digital Soft Skill Development E-course which is searching for answers to the following questions: 1 What do we mean by Digital Shift? 2 What are the impacts of Covid on education? 3. What is the significance of Soft Skills in digital instruction? 4.

Maslow Before you Bloom in Covid and Post-Covid Era

Among the many famous phrases that educators hear, “Maslow before Bloom” stands out the most, especially nowadays, during the pandemic and post-pandemic context it has particular relevance. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs seems to have reached a universal agreement: students are motivated to achieve learning goals when their basic needs, such as hunger and safety, are

COMPARATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS regarding digital software


Constants and online education

The market dictates the speed of development. In a pandemic world our needs for protection spark innovation in education. But what stays the same? What are the invisible constants that tie all this disruptive reality together? The constants in an ever-changing online educational environment can be: patience, attention, care, courage, trust, etc. The learning process

Pivoting to digital empathy

Empathy in the classroom is at the root of the soft-skills an educator should have. It shows you care more than just delivering the hard knowledge you are supposed to. But how can you put communication to work in an empathic way in your digital classroom? In our online classrooms we rely on digital products

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