Trainers’ Toolkit – Window View

window view
Exercise nr 3: Window view
Duration15 – 20 min
Type of activitySocial / Body / Emotional / Cognitive
The goal of the exerciseGetting to know each other, breaking the ice 
Group size 10-15 participants
Hashtags#warm-up #energizer #visual
Materials Before the meeting, ask participants to have their smartphones nearby.
Exercise agendaAsk participants to take a picture with their smartphones of the view from their window from where they are right now. Prepare a Padlet app –  ask each person to upload a photo to the Padlet. Next to the photo, each person can write their name.
A collage of photos will be created. Talk for a while about what you see in the pictures, did anything surprise, interest or amuse you?

You can use this exercise at the beginning of the meeting – to get participants comfortable. It works well also after a break before the group returns to the main topic of the meeting.
Possible modificationsIf someone does not have access to the window or does not want to share the view, ask them to take a picture of their room/desk/table or you can ask to search in Google for the window view participants would like to show as their contribution to the exercise.
CreditsCompiled by Fundacja Culture Shock for TRENDSS – Transnational Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills ( 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Co-founded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union

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