Trainers’ Toolkit – Group verbal portrait

Group verbal portrait
Exercise nr 26: Group verbal portrait
Duration20 min
Type of activitySocial / Body / Emotional / Cognitive
The goal of the exerciseThe aim of the exercise is to integrate the group, to create a pleasant atmosphere for further work.
Group size 8-20 participants
Hashtags#getting to know each other #conversation #group
Materials Before the training, prepare a space in the miro app, mural or google jamboard
Exercise agendaDivide the group into pairs, take part in the exercise if there is an odd number of people in the group.
Use the breakout rooms option to create a separate room for each pair.
In couples, participants are asked to do a short interview with each other to break the ice and get to know each other.

Each person asks the other partner two questions:
– Who you are and what do you do professionally?
– What is your passion?

Each person has 5 minutes for their story. While one person tells his/her story, the other listens carefully.

After 10 minutes, finish the pairs’ conversation.

Then, when everyone has met in the forum, share with each person the link to the app of your choice. 
Each person’s task is to write in the form of #hastags 3 to 5 pieces of information they remember about the person they met in the pair.
The information is to be given anonymously, without mentioning the person’s name.
This will create a word collage – a portrait of the group that met at the workshop.

Comment briefly on this verbal portrait of the group. Do you have any information that appears more than once, what connects the group?  Is there any surprising information?

Possible modifications
You can invite participants to invent questions to be answered in pairs before the start of the exercise..
CreditsCompiled by Fundacja Culture Shock for TRENDSS – Transnational Roadmap for Educators in Digital Soft Skills ( 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union

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